
Your 6 Week Postnatal Check Up

It is recommended that you make an appointment to see your GP six weeks after you give birth for a routine check up. The main focus of the appointment will be on you to check your physical health and recovery as well as discuss your emotional health and wellbeing. This appointment gives you the opportunity to discuss any issues that may be of concern and to ask your doctor any questions you may have. This appointment may also include an internal examination to ensure that your uterus has returned to its pre-pregnancy size. This is also a good opportunity to update your pap smear if you are due.

You will need to make two appointments as your baby will also be examined and weighed during this appointment. Their length and head circumference will also be measured and recorded.  Health checks are used to monitor how your baby is growing and to check for the presence of certain conditions and to arrange treatment if necessary.

Your baby will now be due for their 6 week immunisations which can be given during this appointment.

For more information;

Mater Mothers’ Hospital – After birth – planning postnatal appointments with your GP

Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond – Health checks for babies

ACT Health – Immunisation Babies and Children