
Queanbeyan District Health Service

The Queanbeyan District Health Service Maternity Service manages low-risk pregnancies. The maternity service offers a shared care model with a team of highly skilled Midwives and GP Obstetricians. The maternity unit is supported by the midwifery team with a team of Specialist Obstetricians who are on call 24 hours 7 days a week should specialist assistance be required.

The Maternity Service is made up of three birthing suites and seven postnatal rooms. Rooms have ensuite bathrooms and sofa beds for partners or support people to stay in the room with you. Babies room-in with their mother at all times.

Women are given the opportunity to engage in active birth practices with birthing support equipment such as swiss balls, birthing stools, baths and showers offered by the hospital. Water immersion as a method of pain relief during labour is encouraged for healthy women, however water births are not actively promoted. Both non-pharmacological and pharmacological pain relief options are available, you can speak to your Midwife / GP Obstetrician during your antenatal appointments to discuss your options.

The hospital offers an Aboriginal Maternal and Infant Health Service, offering pregnancy care and postnatal support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their families.

There is also the Yass Outreach Program, three days a week.  Women see a midwife for antenatal appointments at the Yass District Hospital in partnership with their chosen birth hospital in NSW or Canberra.  The midwife also provides postnatal support in women’s homes in an ongoing partnership with the Child and Family Health nurses.

Antenatal group classes are run by the midwives, and all mothers and partners are encouraged to attend. Contact the Maternity Service for more information about what sessions are available and to make a booking.

Queanbeyan District Health Service is a Baby Friendly Accredited Hospital which promotes and supports breastfeeding.

Bookings and information

You do not require a referral to access the Maternity Services at Queanbeyan District Health Service.

Book into the service using the Online Booking Form.  An initial appointment will be scheduled with a member of the midwifery team to discuss your pregnancy and to provide you with comprehensive information about the hospital and maternity services available. You will also need to book an appointment with your chosen GP Obstetrician as soon as possible.

Postnatal care

If you have had an uncomplicated birth you may spend up to 2 days in the hospital following the birth of your baby. However, if you have had a caesarean birth or experienced any complications, you may spend between 4-5 days in the postnatal ward before going home.

Following discharge from the hospital, you will receive follow up postnatal care in your home from a Midcall midwife for up to one week. You will then be referred to the Child and Family Health Nurses (C&FH) who will continue your postnatal care as required.

Contact details

For Bookings and enquiries please contact the Queanbeyan District Health Service on 02 6150 7189 or 02 6150 7190

Image: Bidgee [CC BY-SA 3.0 au]