
Continuity of Midwifery Care

Many maternity hospitals and birthing facilities offer a midwife led continuity model of care. This means you receive care from a known midwife or small team of midwives throughout your pregnancy and postnatal period. Whilst your midwife or midwives will provide the majority of your pregnancy care, they will also co-ordinate specialist care with other health care professionals such as obstetricians, paediatricians, dietitians and social workers if necessary.

Continuity of care with a known midwife allows women to develop a trusting relationship with their caregivers and has proven to have a beneficial impact on women’s birthing experiences and birthing outcomes for both the mother and baby.

Suggested benefits of receiving care from a known midwife include;

  • Increased likelihood of having a normal birth
  • Having a baby born at term
  • Having a healthy baby at birth
  • Having a more positive birth experience
  • Being satisfied with the maternity care you received
  • More likely to successfully breastfeed your baby
  • Cost of your pregnancy and birth to the healthcare system is likely to be less

For more information;

Australian College of Midwives – Continuity of care

Source: (Australian College of Midwives)

Image: David D [CC-BY-2.0]