Breastfeeding Education Classes
The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) offers breastfeeding education classes to provide expectant mothers and their partners with information to help them prepare for the early days, weeks and months after their baby is born. The classes are presented by trained ABA counsellors or educators and designed to deliver up to date information and insights into breastfeeding and parenting in the early days.
Classes in Canberra are held once a month at the Chifley Health and Wellbeing Hub and in various other locations.
For ABA members, classes are just $20 plus a booking fee. If you are not yet a member, the cost for a class is $90 (plus booking fee), which also includes an ABA Personal Membership for 12 months.
For membership and booking enquiries;
Australian Breastfeeding Association – Classes
Australian Breastfeeding Association – Membership